How familiar are you with Maggie Leondhardt?
If a client, how long have you been a client?
What services to you see Maggie for?
What made you choose Maggie?
Do you see other people for these same services?
How far do you travel to see Maggie?
Do you plan to continue to see Maggie for the next year? Next five years?
Do you believe that Maggie listens to your needs?
What level of expertise to you think Maggie has (1-10). Cut/Color
Would you recommend Maggie to other people? Have you done so?
What makes Maggie stand apart from others in this field?
Describe a challenge Maggie helped you with.
Do you purchase product when you have services? Would you purchase product from Maggie? Where else do you purchase products?
When you think of Maggie, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
What is your favorite part of working with Maggie?
How could Maggie improve your experience?
How old are you?